Romelu Lukaku Bids Farewell to Roma with a Decisive Goal

Romelu Lukaku Bids Farewell to Roma with a Decisive Goal
2 Minutes of Reading
Monday 20 May 2024, 22:23

Romelu Lukaku bids farewell to Roma and its fans with a goal that earns three points. The Giallorossi won against Genoa thanks to the Belgian's winning header, for which he celebrated by taking off his shirt and received a yellow card. Since he was already on a caution, number 90 will miss the match against Empoli, and the parade under the South Curve is the last meeting with the people who have supported him for an entire season. Romelu spoke about the warmth of the fans in an interview with, the sports channel of the betting giant.

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Lukaku's Words

Speaking of the Romanists and the warmth of the Olimpico, Lukaku stated: «I have always been impressed by the Olimpico, when we enter the field for the warm-up we already feel the support of the fans and this gives you an extra stimulus to do better. You know that the team is important for the people of this city and as a player, you represent the entire city, it's a very beautiful experience. The fans of Roma are special, it's very nice to experience their support».

The Belgian's career has been dotted with goals, but also with successes and disappointments: «It's the story of my career, it has happened many times to experience disappointments, but I have always come back stronger than before. When they arrive I know I have to work harder». Finally, Lukaku bid farewell to the Roma fans in perfect Roman dialect: «Bella rega', daje Roma daje».

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