Outrageous Prices: Vegan Activist Daniela Martani Denounces 6 Euro Tea

Outrageous Prices: Vegan Activist Daniela Martani Denounces 6 Euro Tea
2 Minutes of Reading
Sunday 25 February 2024, 15:32 - Last updated: 27 February, 08:13

Receipts and crazy prices, in a video the showgirl and vegan activist Daniela Martani accuses: a tea paid 6 euros. The former contestant of the Big Brother showed the story in a video on her Tik Tok profile. After the last edition of Ciao Darwin, the host told her astonishment when she found herself holding the receipt of six euros for a hot tea ordered and consumed at a bar in the Prati district in Rome.

6 Euro tea, Daniela Martani's complaint

The showgirl does not name the place, but in the video she makes it clear: «I was not at the Hilton or at the De Russie, but in a normal bar in a normal neighborhood. I needed a hot tea, and they made me pay 6 euros! How much will it cost them? A few cents. It's a scandal, a real scandal».

The coffee? «It costs 50 cents here». In Marche there is the anti-inflation bar, here it is

Crazy receipts, 50 euros for a coffee and an orzata. The influencer: «When I saw the bill I had a shock»

Former Alitalia hostess, born in 1973, Daniela Martani became popular in 2009 thanks to her participation in Big Brother. Then she continues her journey in the show participating in numerous programs and reality shows such as La Fattoria and then Isola dei Famosi. She does not spare herself several controversies, such as those related to her support for causes such as animal rights and convinced veganism. During the Covid-19 pandemic she makes herself talked about for anti-vaccine positions. She has repeatedly lashed out against Fedez and Chiara Ferragni (who have repeatedly sued her and advanced a claim for compensation of 100,000 euros), or other public figures like Giulia De Lellis, because she would have advertised non-ecological furs. She lives in the Balduina area in Rome.

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