Weather Forecasting Revolutionizes Tennis Tournaments in Italy

Weather Forecasting Revolutionizes Tennis Tournaments in Italy
2 Minutes of Reading
Monday 6 May 2024, 17:07 - Last updated: 20:59
Can the sun, rain, or wind affect a tennis match? Obviously, yes. For the first time in Italy, as happens in other countries, the organization of world-class tennis matches will also be conducted in relation to weather conditions. At the Italian Open BNL, the Air Force lands with its resources and meteorological service, which will allow knowing in advance the weather conditions. All directly from the playing fields. But not only, the Air Force's service will also be useful to predict in time any extreme weather events, ensuring the possibility for organizers to intervene promptly to protect public order and the safety of all attendees. How it works The weather system that the Air Force has deployed at the Foro Italico is composed of valuable assets, also used in operational theaters like Afghanistan, managed with the experience and the best technical ability of the 4th Telecommunications and Systems Brigade D.A./A.V. of Latina. A "sheltered" weather office, a mobile weather office, 3 TACMET weather stations, installed at different points of the area, in addition to a weather radar will guarantee the Air Force operators to obtain and process data on temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, and wind to be able to make weather forecasts useful to the event's organization that will also be shared with all those present at the Foro Italico through the use of information systems installed on-site and widgets on the main sports sites following the event. The 4th Telecommunications and Systems Brigade for Air Defense and Flight Assistance of Borgo Piave is the main structure of the 3rd Division of the Logistics Command of the Air Force which is responsible for the design, realization, installation, maintenance both on the national territory and in operations outside the national borders, of telecommunications and electronic systems, radar systems, radio aids to flight and air navigation and meteorological support systems. The 4th Brigade also has the task of qualifying and training all the personnel assigned to the Communication Information Systems sectors, Air Defense radar systems, Air Traffic, and weather. The Brigade oversees the 1st and 2nd Technical Communications Departments, the Technical Center for Meteorology, the Remote Radar Squadrons distributed throughout the national territory, and the 134th Remote Radar Center.
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