Weather Forecast for Rome: A Mix of Sunshine and Showers

Weather Forecast for Rome: A Mix of Sunshine and Showers
2 Minutes of Reading
Thursday 9 May 2024, 17:25 - Last updated: 17:52
Day started with sunshine today (May 9th) in Rome, with good weather that, however, is not meant to last. Already from the early afternoon hours, large clouds have covered the sky of the Capital. In the evening, an increase in cloudiness is expected, associated with rains and showers, also thunderstorms, with 7mm of rain expected in the next few hours. From tomorrow (Friday, May 10th) a stable weather returns, which is destined to last until May 14th with maximum temperatures between 25 and 28 degrees. Let's look together in detail at the forecasts for the coming days. Friday, May 10th In Rome tomorrow skies will be mostly clear throughout the day, no rain is expected according to 3b weather. The maximum recorded temperature will be 27 degrees and the minimum 15. Winds will be moderate in the morning coming from the Northeast, in the afternoon moderate coming from East-Southeast. Saturday, May 11th The day after tomorrow skies will be mostly clear or slightly cloudy throughout the day, no rain is expected. The maximum recorded temperature will be 27 degrees and the minimum 16. Winds will be moderate in the morning coming from the Northeast, in the afternoon moderate coming from the Southwest. Sunday, May 12th Skies will be mostly clear throughout the day, no rain is expected according to 3b weather. The maximum recorded temperature will be 26 degrees and the minimum 15. Winds will be moderate in the morning coming from North-Northeast, in the afternoon moderate coming from Southwest. The Deterioration From May 15th, for a few days, a possible return of marked instability over Central Italy and at times also on Rome. Temperatures will still remain between 25 and 15 degrees despite the bad weather.
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