Virtus GVM Roma 1960-Carver Roma Match: First Sold-Out Event After Stadium Restoration

Virtus GVM Roma 1960-Carver Roma Match: First Sold-Out Event After Stadium Restoration
2 Minutes of Reading
Sunday 18 February 2024, 10:11

Everything is ready, the appointment is at 6:00 PM. The Virtus GVM Roma 1960-Carver Roma game will record the first sold-out after the restoration of the stadium. There is anticipation for the grand choreography that will serve to greet the arrival in Rome of the patron of the group 'GVM care&research' Ettore Sansavini, today among the 3 most important national groups in health with offices in Italy and Europe, who has embraced the project to support the return to Serie A of Virtus. Other important companies such as Team Service by Emilio Innocenzi, who will be present at the meeting, McDonald's, Froneri, as well as many groups that are approaching, have also committed to this.

In the stands, in addition to the Zoffoli and Tonolli families, architects of the rebirth of Virtus GVM Roma 1960, many representatives of the institutional world of Rome and Lazio: the Undersecretary Claudio Durigon, the Sports Councilor Alessandro Onorato, the Vice President of the Lazio region Roberta Angelilli, the President of the Regional Council Antonello Aurigemma, the regional councilor Luciano Crea, the Member of Parliament Claudio Mancini, the Senator Antonio Saccone, Luciano Nobili, Giorgio Simeoni, Mario Ciarla, Giulia Tempesta, Stefano Erbaggi, Emanuela Droghei, the President Lorenza Bonaccorsi and Sabrina Giuseppetti.

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