Violence and Drug Trafficking Plague Rosario: Angel Di Maria Threatened and Pope Francis Calls for Peace

Violence and Drug Trafficking Plague Rosario: Angel Di Maria Threatened and Pope Francis Calls for Peace
by Franca Giansoldati
2 Minutes of Reading
Tuesday 26 March 2024, 12:39
Drugs, crime, extremely violent gangs and, recently, even death threats to the Argentine striker Angel Di Maria who, in Rosario, the same city from which Messi also hails, appeared a sign saying they would kill his son: 'Tell your son Angel not to return to Rosario because we will kill a member of the family. Not even Pullaro will save you. We don't leave paper notes. We leave behind bullets and dead people.' The region has recently seen an escalation of violence by groups involved in drug trafficking. While the Milei government has announced it will send a bill to Congress to allow the armed forces to intervene in internal security operations and fight drug trafficking and crime in Rosario, Pope Francis has sent a message to the faithful: 'we understand the need for the presence of security forces to bring tranquility to the community. However, we know that on the path to peace, complex and integral responses must pass, with the collaboration of all the institutions that make up the life of a society. It is necessary to strengthen the community.' Argentina, thousands march for the victims of the dictatorship: 'Never again!' Francis seems worried about the independence of the judiciary. 'In a context like this, it is necessary for the democratic system to watch over justice, so that it can be independent, to investigate the intertwining of corruption and money laundering that facilitate the advance of drug trafficking. Every member of the judiciary is responsible for the custody of its integrity, which begins with the rectitude of his heart' wrote the Pope, who asks that there be no political, police, judicial, or economic complicity in the face of a serious situation like in Rosario. Argentina, Milei allocates a million dollars for the purchase of hormones for transgender people It is necessary 'to rehabilitate politics, which is a very high vocation, is one of the most precious forms of charity, because it seeks the common good. All political sectors are called to walk the great road of consensus and dialogue to generate laws and public policies that accompany a process of recovery of the social fabric. In Argentina, actors in the square against Milei's cuts, clashes The Pope then warns that 'in every mafia system, the poor are disposable material, I invite you to make efforts and unite efforts so that the state and intermediate institutions can provide community spaces in vulnerable neighborhoods. These can create conditions so that children, adolescents, and young people can have an integral human development Milei from the Pope with cookies and sweets, stops the car on Via della Conciliazione to take pictures with tourists, 1 hour of papal meeting, a record
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