The Ferragnez Split: Fedez's Health Scare and New Single Life

The Ferragnez Split: Fedez's Health Scare and New Single Life
3 Minutes of Reading
Monday 20 May 2024, 14:34 - Last updated: 21 May, 09:22
It is definitely the most talked-about gossip news of 2024, the goodbye between Fedez and Chiara Ferragni. The Valentine's Day images, with red roses and a romantic dinner, had been hopeful. It seemed that everything was serene between the Ferragnez and that the crisis between the two was just a rumor, but the crack happened. Fedez has worsened, the rapper's staff announcement: 'Situation worse than imagined'. Mystery about the hospitalization. He packs his bags at the end of February and leaves home, a trip to Miami with the assistant before returning to Milan and initially living at his parents' house and then getting an apartment in the Castello area on his own. The Ferragnez did not overcome the storm of the Balocco case (which primarily overwhelmed Ferragni) and the consequences of this, meanwhile, Muschio Selvaggio was also taken from Fedez, the podcast returns to Luis Sal. A not exactly easy period for the rapper who now has new health problems. How is Fedez? The forfeit at Cattelan for serious health reasons. Tonight, Fedez was supposed to be a guest at Cattelan's new program airing on Rai 2, then the forfeit. The rapper's presence had been first confirmed, then denied, then confirmed again until the publication of a note from Rai stating: 'As agreed with the artist's press office, we communicate that, contrary to what was announced, for health reasons, Fedez will not be able to participate in the debut episode of the new program airing from Monday, May 20th'. Fedez conditions: 'He has serious stomach problems', but there is mystery about the hospitalization: the pancreatic tumor, the surgery, and the new malaise. His health situation turns out to be more serious than imagined at first. This is what is learned from the rapper's staff. But he has not been hospitalized as read in some rumors. Now he says through Instagram: 'I had some health problems but nothing serious. I don't know why they are saying that I am dying'. The new single life. In addition to the rapper's health conditions, what alarms the fans are also the (in their opinion) 'over-the-top' choices he is making after separating from his wife. The latest in chronological order is the brawl with the personal trainer Cristiano Iovino, in which Fedez seems to be involved. 'He is now someone else,' says a friend to people. And it seems so. Fedez's new (rediscovered) single life is between one party and another around the world, from Miami to Milan. There is no trendy place that does not have him among the tables, with him the rapper friends. And he does not fail to post completely naked photos. From Armani to Cipriani (where he met the alleged new flame Ludovica Gresy) it is easy to meet him. Every step is documented on social networks. But users on social networks do not appreciate this new life of Fedez and insults rain: 'But weren't you the homebody of the couple?' and again: 'But weren't you the one who had no friends?' and there is also someone who tells him that until now with Chiara he pretended to be the model father. And there is also someone who, when the Corona site launches a rumor about a possible hospitalization of the rapper (reason for which he would have skipped the appearance at Cattelan) comments: 'For sure he does not lead a healthy life since he had a tumor'. Cattelan, tonight on TV starts the new program: from Fedez's forfeit 'for health reasons' to the guests, what there is to know. And instead, those who wish him the best: 'Get well'.
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