The Arrest of Giovanni Toti: A Look into His Life and Career

The Arrest of Giovanni Toti: A Look into His Life and Career
by Mario Ajello
3 Minutes of Reading
Tuesday 7 May 2024, 10:10 - Last updated: 16:01

Following an investigation advanced by the Anti-Mafia District Directorate and the Finance Police, Giovanni Toti was arrested on Tuesday, May 7. Who is Giovanni Toti, president of the Liguria Region and professional journalist?

Giovanni Toti under house arrest: the governor of Liguria is accused of corruption 

Who is

Giovanni Toti was born in Viareggio under the sign of Virgo on September 7, 1968 but grew up in Marina di Massa, a location where his parents owned the Excelsior hotel. Since 2001, he has resided in Cafaggio, a locality in the municipality of Ameglia, in the province of La Spezia, where his parents and family also live. 

Journalistic career

In 1996, Giovanni Toti signed his first contract as an intern with Mediaset, and a year later made his debut in the television scene by hosting Studio Aperto. From October 2006, he becomes a professional journalist registered with the Order of Journalists of Milan and in the same year joined Videonews. In 2007, he becomes deputy head of the press office of Mediaset. In 2009, he becomes co-director of Studio Aperto, overseeing the in-depth programs of Italia 1 Lucignolo and Live. On February 22, 2010, he becomes the director of Studio Aperto, replacing Mario Giordano, who became the director of the News Mediaset newsroom. On March 28, 2012, he also becomes the director of TG4, succeeding Emilio Fede but also maintaining the direction of Studio Aperto. He remains director of the two newscasts until 2014, the year in which he decides to enter politics full-time, and he is succeeded by Mario Giordano at TG4 and Anna Broggiato at Studio Aperto. 

Political career

From 2014, Giovanni Toti changes "life" dedicating himself full-time to politics. Thanks also to his relationship with Silvio Berlusconi, he is appointed on January 24 as a counselor of Forza Italia, and on the same day, he also officially resigned from Mediaset. On April 16, 2014, he is officially nominated as the lead candidate for Forza Italia in the North-Western Italy constituency comprising Liguria, Lombardy, Piedmont, and Aosta Valley for the European elections. Thanks to a large number of preferences, he becomes a Member of the European Parliament. 

President of the Liguria Region

On April 1, 2015, Giovanni Toti is nominated for the presidency of the Liguria Region, and on May 31, he wins the regional elections, defeating Raffaela Paita of the Democratic Party. On June 11, his official proclamation as president of the region arrives, but on the same day, he was also forced to resign as a Member of the European Parliament due to incompatibility with his new role. On July 30 of the same year, he becomes vice-president of the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, chaired by Stefano Bonaccini, president of Emilia-Romagna. In August 2018, as the regional president of Liguria, he finds himself facing the crisis following the disastrous collapse of the Polcevera viaduct in Genoa, in which 43 people lost their lives; following this event, he obtained from the national government the declaration of a state of emergency for the city. On August 20, 2018, he was appointed delegated commissioner for the emergency for the collapse of the Morandi Bridge. 

Second term

In the occasion of the 2020 regional elections in Liguria, Giovanni Toti decides to run again as president of the region and wins with more than 55% of the preferences, surpassing the center-left candidate, the journalist Ferruccio Sansa. Between May and July 2021, Toti dissolves Cambiamo! and founds together with the mayor of Venice Luigi Brugnaro the party Coraggio Italia, of which he will become deputy vice-president. After the race to the 2022 political elections as an electoral coalition together with Noi con l’Italia, UDC, and Coraggio Italia, on October 17, 2023, Toti is elected president of the national council of Noi Moderati composed of 150 members. 

Private life

Regarding the private life of the president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, we know that since 2003 he has been married to journalist Siria Magri, deputy director of Videonews, and that the couple has no children.

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