Terrorism Alert for Euro2024 in Germany

Terrorism Alert for Euro2024 in Germany
2 Minutes of Reading
Friday 10 May 2024, 12:17

Europeans in Germany are getting closer and the alarm of a possible terrorist attack becomes more concrete, given the magnitude of the sports event that will see millions of people follow their nations. The Isis propaganda magazine "Voice of Khorasan" would be back to hint at possible terrorist attacks during the event scheduled from June 14 to July 14.

Terrorism alert for Euro2024

As reported by the German newspaper Welt, the current issue of the magazine features a full-page photomontage related to the big summer sports event. The image shows a fighter in camouflage uniform and a machine gun, standing with his back to the spectator and facing an empty football stadium. The caption of the image reports the names of the cities of Dortmund, Munich, and Berlin and the phrase: "Now score the last goal". A phrase that can be understood, according to the German newspaper, as a signal of an attack on one of the cities hosting the European Football Championship. Already last month, through propaganda channels, terrorist threats had already been spread, a few days before the Champions League quarter-finals.

It is said that the ISKP, the Afghan branch of Isis, has already sent fighters to Germany. In recent months, several raids against ISKP cells have occurred, such as at Christmas, when German security authorities feared an attack on the Cologne cathedral. The alarm is there, there's no denying it, and the authorities will have to take note of this, trying to adopt all the necessary security measures so that during the competition month the risks of a possible attack are minimized as much as possible.

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