Spring Nutrition: Embracing Seasonal Foods for Physical and Mental Well-being

Spring Nutrition: Embracing Seasonal Foods for Physical and Mental Well-being
3 Minutes of Reading
Friday 12 April 2024, 16:48 - Last updated: 23 April, 17:20
This is the most "strange" season of recent years. Temperatures that already in April reach almost summer peaks, but not only that, since we must also get used to the change of time caused by daylight saving time. Against the spring that is also putting a strain on psychophysical health, diet can be an excellent help. Here are the recommended foods. Diet, 85% of Italians follow a dedicated diet: one in four "true athletes" choose protein foods, such as canned tuna. According to nutritionist Gemma Fabozzi, interviewed by Adnkronos in this season it is necessary to consume typical foods of this period, in particular strawberries seem to be an excellent fruit to counteract irritability and mood swings: "For example, we have strawberries that help us, on one hand, to counteract irritability and mood swings thanks to their content of calcium and bromine and, on the other hand, also to maintain the line thanks to the content of iodine that acts as a stimulus for our metabolism. Moreover, they are rich in vitamin C which can help us for the still present seasonal ailments. First of all, it is not recommended to wash them after removing the stalk because it would open a cavity inside which any pesticides or other substances that are instead to be removed with the washing itself would enter. It is better to buy them organic and wash them, before removing the stalk, with an alcoholic acid solvent such as red wine or lemon juice: They are the only ones able to remove potentially harmful substances. In menopausal women; to counteract the irritability caused by hormonal fluctuations; in hyperactive children; as a fruit at dinner to facilitate sleep; when there is an increased need for vitamin C; in patients with rheumatic or inflammatory problems". A tasty and healthy snack is made of "strawberries with 2-3 tablespoons of cream, strictly whipped fresh without sugar; strawberries dipped in dark chocolate (80% or more) melted in a bain-marie; whole yogurt, dried fruit granola and 2 strawberries; kefir smoothie, half an avocado and 4-5 strawberries". According to Gemma Fabozzi, another important food on the Italian table is asparagus, which thanks to its nutritional properties gives a lot of energy and stimulates the nervous system: "Asparagus, vitalizing, energizing and tonic for the nerves. They stimulate the function of the adrenal gland and increase the adrenergic response: for this reason they are suitable for the spring season, the season of awakening. Asparagus are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and phosphorus. Moreover, their content in zinc and vitamin C makes them useful allies for the immune system. They can be eaten raw, using only the most tender apical part in salads, or boiled and dressed with oil and lemon, or even cooked directly in a pan without boiling, with hot oil and onion if you want to enhance the diuretic action. They are also important after physical activity and sweating, to replenish the loss of fluids and salts. Asparagus can be eaten together with eggs, ricotta, pasta, and rice. The combination with meat and fish should be avoided". Agretti are also another food rich in minerals which, like asparagus, Gemma Fabozzi considers important: "Agretti, rich in minerals including magnesium, very important for the nervous system and electrolytes that have a great remineralizing action. They are diuretic, purifying and also rich in iron. They can be cooked boiled, then seasoned with oil and lemon, or in a pan, with oil and garlic". Finally, Gemma Fabozzi concludes in the interview that it is essential to hydrate, not only by drinking the right amount of water but also by consuming water-rich vegetables at every single meal. She also adds that it is necessary to consume good fats such as olives and nuts.
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