Social Media Influencer 'The Brazilian' to Perform Community Service

Social Media Influencer 'The Brazilian' to Perform Community Service
2 Minutes of Reading
Monday 20 May 2024, 15:25 - Last updated: 21 May, 15:24

Massimiliano Minnocci, known on social media as “The Brazilian”, will carry out community service. Specifically, he will hold meetings in schools and various city venues such as gyms and sports clubs, discussing what can happen if one overindulges in substances like drugs and alcohol.

The Incident

The influencer and rapper had been accused of threatening, resisting, and insulting a public officer following an incident in December 2018, when a state police patrol stopped him in Pietralata, a suburb of Rome, for a check. On Monday, May 20, the judge of the Rome court made a decision regarding the case and an agreement was reached, where the Brazilian will perform community service. Thanks to this solution, Massimiliano Minnocci was saved from a “conviction” that would have forced him to serve 8 months in prison.

The Meetings

According to his lawyer, Alessandro Marcucci, The Brazilian will have to carry out: «activities of dissemination and spreading of information regarding the use and abuse of narcotic substances, in addition to the risks of the consequences of a life on the edge of legality, if not completely outside. All this to prevent the risk of juvenile delinquency or, in the worst case, in the recovery of a path».

Who is Massimiliano Minnocci

Massimiliano Minnocci, known on social media as “The Brazilian”, after this 2018 episode had a radical turn in his life. A career on social media built thanks to his troubles around Italy and beyond. Today, Minocci is a rapper and influencer and has continued to make himself talked about after going public with Michelle Comi, a star of the Onlyfans site, with whom he also shot a porn video.

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