Rome's Rodent Problem: Health Risks and the Need for Cleaner Streets

Rome's Rodent Problem: Health Risks and the Need for Cleaner Streets
2 Minutes of Reading
Friday 8 March 2024, 20:35
«The presence of mice in Rome is a known phenomenon that concerns us due to the sanitary implications. Not only regarding these rodents, which we know to be very numerous, but also for other 'opportunistic' animals, such as seagulls, wild boars». This was stated to Adnkronos Salute - after last night's episode at the Sistina theater where a mouse crossed the audience during the show - by Antonio Magi, president of the Order of Doctors of Rome. For Magi, it is more necessary than ever «a high attention to the cleanliness of the Capital for the control of health risks», he adds. Mouse appears in the audience during Vincenzo Salemme's show at the Teatro Sistina: «I will reimburse you out of my own pocket». «The contact of wild animals with humans can lead to significant pathologies, as we have dramatically seen with Covid. The issue cannot be underestimated. More cleanliness is needed, it is necessary to prevent the accumulation of waste and to carry out campaigns for rat control and the management of populations of opportunistic animals», he concludes.
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