Rome's Christmas and Earth Day: A March for Planetary Health

Rome's Christmas and Earth Day: A March for Planetary Health
2 Minutes of Reading
Saturday 20 April 2024, 17:17 - Last updated: 18:18
On the occasion of Rome's Christmas, as part of the Earth Village in Villa Borghese that celebrates Earth Day in Italy, tomorrow, April 21st at 11 am, the now historic "March for the Earth" will start from the splendid terrace of the Pincio, this year enriched by the "March for Planetary Health", a result of the collaboration between the organizers of Earth Day and the office of the Guarantor of the rights of the elderly of Rome Capital. The initiative is promoted by the Councilor for social policies Barbara Funari and the Guarantor of the rights of the elderly of Rome Capital, Laila Perciballi, who have invited to the event the health, social health, social care, and volunteer personnel of the territory with the aim of wearing their work coats on a day of celebration to highlight the urgency of global health. The march will also be attended by lawyers of Rome, led by President Paolo Nesta. "We will walk - stated the Guarantor for the elderly of Rome - along the Viale delle Magnolie from the Terrace of the Pincio to the Galoppatoio of Villa Borghese, one beside the other for the women and men of the National Health Service, in order to guarantee the 'right to the health of the environment and people of all ages'." The colorful march, which sees the participation of various groups - from flag-wavers to musicians, from dancers to sports groups - is part of the 600 free events of the Earth Village that makes the Roman celebration of Earth day one of the most appreciated in the world by the United Nations.
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