Rome bids Farewell to Renowned Journalist Alberto Mandolesi

Rome bids Farewell to Renowned Journalist Alberto Mandolesi
2 Minutes of Reading
Tuesday 13 February 2024, 18:44
Rome bid its last farewell to Alberto Mandolesi, journalist and historic voice of Roma's matches who died Sunday at 77 years old. This morning the funeral took place at the Basilica of the Sacred Immaculate Heart of Mary in Piazza Euclide: 500 people were present among relatives, friends, colleagues and common people who wanted to dedicate a last thought to him. In the church of Parioli there were also various banners of the historic groups of the Tevere, then the choirs at the exit of the coffin. Among the former giallorossi present were Nela and Di Livio, for Roma represented by Luca Pietrafesa and Gianni Castaldi of the club's press office.
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