Revelations from Daniel Osvaldo Stir the Web: The Impact Beyond Football

Revelations from Daniel Osvaldo Stir the Web: The Impact Beyond Football
2 Minutes of Reading
Saturday 16 March 2024, 20:12 - Last updated: 17 March, 16:39
The revelations on social media by Daniel Osvaldo have made their rounds on the web and have touched the world of football and beyond. The day after the former Roma striker's confessions, his ex-partner Jimena Baron spoke out. The 36-year-old Argentine singer talked about what the former footballer and father of her child said about the addictions he suffers from, through a comment on social media. 'I would have liked for the children to be a priority and to be able to protect them from all this that I discovered from the same Instagram video that you have seen,' said Baron. Then she continued: 'I do not have the possibility to stay at home, avoiding the questions this generates. I have to go to work, pick up my son from school, and take him to do sports. I am a mother who, despite everything she has gone through (including mental health issues), has been taking care of her son alone for 10 years, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. My son's father always counted on me, I was always there and always will be. And he always left by his own decision, without giving us any explanation. Please, my son is a minor and my priority is that he is well, that he continues with his life. I will always protect him.'
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