Reforming the Administration of Santa Maria Maggiore: Pope Francis' New Measures

Reforming the Administration of Santa Maria Maggiore: Pope Francis' New Measures
by Franca Giansoldati
3 Minutes of Reading
Wednesday 20 March 2024, 13:01 - Last updated: 21:03
If in the past there had been shortages of money, economic mishaps, and not always transparent management of the great real estate heritage at the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the tune should now change. The new measure is from this morning, a provision by Pope Francis designed precisely to end the period of receivership and to provide that great reality with new rules. In a chirograph, Bergoglio has outlined the new administration, introduced a board of directors, limiting the centuries-old powers of the canons, and finally, framing the activity of the cardinal archpriest. The old times of favorable rents to close relatives now seem far away. Why Pope Francis chose the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. Among the most penalized figures are the canons, who previously were reserved wide maneuvering spaces. "Today, at the end of the receivership, I believe it is appropriate to free the Canons from any economic and administrative burden, so that they can dedicate themselves, fully and with renewed vigor, to the spiritual and pastoral accompaniment that pilgrims from all over the world seek and wish to find, crossing the thresholds of the first Marian Shrine of the West," explains the Pope in the document. The canons will no longer be able to rent apartments to their relatives or friends, putting an end to the era of nepotism of the past years. "The leasing of the assets of the Chapter cannot be done to the Canons, nor to their blood relatives and relatives up to the fourth degree, nor to their family members and domestic staff, without a board of directors' approval resolution" it reads. To the commissioner monsignor Rolandas Makrickas, coadjutor archpriest of the basilica, have been given the powers for the application of the new regulations and for the governance of the Chapter. He will remain in office until the installation of the Board of Directors and the new appointments. The canons have been divided into two categories, the honorary ones who keep the apartment already in use on loan, and the honorary canons who instead will have to pay a modest rent. Their duties are of a liturgical and pastoral nature and they may be buried in the basilica if they wish. Also, should they ever fall from their role, they are obliged to leave the apartment free within a month. Rome, thousands for the miracle of the snow at the basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. Francesco two years ago had put Santa Maria Maggiore under receivership, entrusting the task of putting order to the accounts, contracts, the administration of real estate assets to a prelate of the Secretariat of State, monsignor Rolandas Makrickas; so far he had managed the administration of the Secretariat of State but after the emptying of the financial competences of the First Section in favor of the Apsa, he ended up among the staff to be relocated. In these two years, he has been taking care of the chapter's assets, amounting to hundreds of millions of euros between buildings, apartments, valuable lands, the result of bequests accumulated over the centuries. Among the obligations of the canons that of "shining for the holiness of life in service to God and for the piety of customs. If by chance a canon should have a lifestyle not congruent with discipline and dignity" he will be first admonished and then, if there are conditions, expelled. The Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, also called the Liberian Basilica, the first Marian Shrine of the West, has been entrusted since the twelfth century to a Chapter of Canons who oversee its governance. The first drafts of the statute highlighted the operational complexity deriving from the mission assigned by the Popes to the Chapter: worship, cultural promotion, economic maintenance of the Basilica, and the sustenance of the Canons.
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