Red Bull's Principal Expects Imitation in the Upcoming Formula 1 Season

Red Bull's Principal Expects Imitation in the Upcoming Formula 1 Season
2 Minutes of Reading
Saturday 6 January 2024, 10:49 - Last updated: 7 January, 10:38
"Imitation is the highest form of flattery", Red Bull's team principal Chris Horner commented with a quip on a dynamic to which Red Bull will not be able to escape even next Formula 1 season. "I believe that's how Formula 1 works - he said to PlanetF1 - I'm sure that next year there will be several cars that will resemble the RB19". In every cycle of regulations, there is a car that starts ahead of all others only to see its gap gradually reduced over time: "It always takes a while before there is a convergence of performance after the new regulations - Horner explains - This year we had, at different times, different rivals. The only constant has been our performance, and I'm sure this dynamic will change next year". "There will be a convergence, but it's astonishing the level at which the team has consistently operated, in all conditions and on all circuits, in order to achieve 21 successes, six doubles and break every record of consecutive victories - Horner concluded - I believe we have raised the bar. We have reached peaks never achieved before. It's a growth that takes into account everything: strategy, development, stops, aerodynamics, mechanics, engine and of course drivers".
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