Pregnant Woman Brutally Attacked in Rome's Metro B

Pregnant Woman Brutally Attacked in Rome's Metro B
2 Minutes of Reading
Sunday 7 April 2024, 18:13 - Last updated: 8 April, 01:29
A brutal scene that many passengers of the Rome's Metro B had to witness in astonishment. Kicks and punches on a pregnant woman, fallen to the ground, defenseless. The gang that attacked the victim, according to what is learned, lives in the Rom camp of Castel Romano. Three of them have been identified by the officers and they are attributed with the pickpocketing racket in the metro stations. The video that went viral on social media, after being published on the page "Welcome to Favelas", but also the testimony of the woman, nailed them. "I'm pregnant, I don't want to steal anymore". Rom pickpocket beaten to blood in Rome's metro, the video and the fear of the passengers. How the victim is doing. The 39-year-old, of Croatian origin, ended up in the hospital after the violent beating. Maria Secic was taken to the Policlinico Umberto I and presents a serious clinical picture. First the hospitalization, a few hours after the induced childbirth: the baby is fine. She, who was in the eighth month of pregnancy, less so. Fractures in different parts of the body, including maxillofacial type, for which she will now be operated. The risk for the woman is that she could be approached by her own relatives, or by the people she lives with, and threatened to retract her position. The aggressors. The authorities are hunting the aggressors. The story of the beating at the Termini station could also shine a light on the pickpocketing racket that the men of Rom ethnicity manage, mainly using women: they pass less unnoticed, if caught they hardly end up in jail. Just a few days ago the news of a recidivist pickpocket sentenced to 20 years but unable to serve the sentence, given the six consecutive pregnancies. Maria Secic reported having been beaten because she was accused of earning too little, indicating in the three aggressors the organizers of the pickpocketing activity. An activity now at the center of a war for schedules and areas of competence between Latinos, as evidenced by the stabbing a few days ago that saw a Colombian and a Venezuelan as protagonists, and now also among Rom.
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