Paola Ferrari's Battle with Cancer and Her Message on Prevention

Paola Ferrari's Battle with Cancer and Her Message on Prevention
2 Minutes of Reading
Monday 22 January 2024, 12:37

Paola Ferrari has a cancer. "Yes, I had cancer and in fact I tell you that I have another one, very small, which was recently discovered and I will undergo surgery in a few days. But then I will still be on Sunday to host my show". After the announcement of the skin cancer that struck Sarah Ferguson, the confession comes from journalist Paola Ferrari, telling herself to Monica Setta in the episode of Stories of women at the crossroads, airing Thursday, January 25 on Rai 2 at 24.30.

Paola Ferrari, from the violent mother to the relationship with colleagues, through the disease: who is the journalist today from Alberto Matano

Paola Ferrari and cancer, the confession on TV

"It's a basal cell carcinoma, always on the face - explains Ferrari, host every week of 90/o Minute - I discovered it a month and a half ago, but it's absolutely in the initial stage and therefore it's much less dramatic than what I've already had. It will be resolved in one day. It's very small and I will heal without problems. I am absolutely not here to play the victim, but I tell it to say that you have to be careful: be careful, be careful, I will never stop saying it", she urges.

Belen on TV, Paola Ferrari on the attack: "Now just a white shirt (well worn) to look like a Saint"

The message on prevention

"We must always do prevention - continues the journalist, who was also a spokesperson for the fight against melanoma - Last time I didn't do these searches. A dermatologist had told me it was an angioma, a benign thing, and I let too much time pass. If I had had a melanoma, I wouldn't be here talking about it". Today, she says, "I have a cut that goes from the eye to half cheek, done very well. In fact, do not be afraid because Italian surgeons are very good. By 2024 I hope for another important scientific discovery, which can especially help us women"

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