Municipal Official Arrested for Exploiting Vulnerable Women in Exchange for Economic Benefits

Municipal Official Arrested for Exploiting Vulnerable Women in Exchange for Economic Benefits
2 Minutes of Reading
Thursday 16 May 2024, 07:50 - Last updated: 11:49
Taking advantage of the position held within the Municipality, he would have approached women in desperate economic conditions, suggesting the possibility of obtaining economic benefits in exchange for sexual favors. For this reason, an official of the municipality of Campagnano, near Rome, has been arrested by the Carabinieri. On behalf of the Tivoli Prosecutor's Office, the Carabinieri of the Bracciano company are executing a court order that imposes precautionary measures, issued by the GIP of Tivoli, against 7 people, 6 of whom have been arrested, seriously suspected, in various capacities, of the crimes of attempted sexual extortion, corruption in concert, and ideological falsehood committed by a public official in public documents. The investigation, originated from the transmission of a report drafted by the social services of the municipality of Campagnano di Roma to the Prosecutor's Office, allowed the Carabinieri of the Bracciano company to gather, in just over five months, serious indications of guilt against the 64-year-old municipal official. Two episodes of corruption carried out by the man and representatives of a cooperative society and a cultural association were also reconstructed. Searches are underway in some public offices, in order to verify the regularity of the administrative procedures of the tenders involving the cooperative society under investigation. The investigations by the Carabinieri that led to the arrest of a municipal official in Campagnano, near Rome, started from the report of a woman, pregnant and mother of two children. The woman had turned to the Municipality to receive an economic contribution due to her situation of severe discomfort, and the man would have asked her in return to engage in a sexual relationship with him, receiving a refusal. Investigations are underway to ascertain further possible similar episodes with 'exploitation' of the position of the public official to the detriment of vulnerable women because they are in a condition of economic distress, often with children. For the official, pre-trial detention in prison has been ordered. The municipal official of Campagnano, arrested this morning by the Carabinieri, would have also provided representatives of a cooperative, which operates throughout the Roman province in the socio-assistance sector, with the specifications of a tender for the management of a nursery in the municipality, before they were published. It is a tender worth 3.6 million euros. The man would have also asked for and obtained money, about 2 thousand euros, to appoint as an external member of the examining commission a person close to the cooperative. For this reason, among the six arrested in today's operation, there are also the president and the vice-president of the cooperative, now under house arrest. 'Without the interception activity, both telephone and environmental, carried out on the basis of the current legislation that equates crimes against public administration (corruption and extortion) to those of mafia-type criminality, what has emerged would never have been revealed,' emphasizes the Tivoli Prosecutor's Office in a note
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