Massimo Ceccherini's Love for his Dog and a Possible Night in Los Angeles

Massimo Ceccherini's Love for his Dog and a Possible Night in Los Angeles
2 Minutes of Reading
Sunday 28 January 2024, 20:58 - Last updated: 30 January, 09:15

«A life in pajamas» and the love for his dog Lucio, this is how Massimo Ceccherini opened up, who could now go to spend a night as a VIP in Los Angeles. The film "I, Captain" by Matteo Garrone, was also co-written by the Tuscan actor.

When he found out that the film was included in the top five, he «cried», he admitted. But not for the emotion, but because «I can't leave my baby, that is my dog Lucio», he revealed to La Nazione.

Oscar 2024, "I, Captain" candidate. Matteo Garrone: «Happy that the adventure continues, I hope the film is seen all over the world»

The Pope and Snai

However, he partly «enjoyed», he jokingly said, because the film is «quoted at Snai. Go and bet on it». Even if of great value, at least for the actor who loves the game, the news that he was eager to give, would not have been that. Ceccherini, who always travels on the thin line between arrogance and irony, revealed a scoop: a dinner with the Pope.

«You know that the Pope saw the film and liked it? Good. Pope Francis has become a friend of Matteo Garrone. And in a few days there will be a dinner with Pope Francis, Matteo Garrone, with me and with Pieraccioni», he revealed.

Pay attention, he warned, because the goal is to make Francesco say that he is rooting for "I, Captain" and at that point everything would be downhill, because «do you know how many votes the Pope brings?».

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