Kate Middleton's Health and Public Appearance Speculations

Kate Middleton's Health and Public Appearance Speculations
2 Minutes of Reading
Saturday 9 March 2024, 11:46 - Last updated: 10 March, 08:21
How is Kate Middleton really doing? And when will she be seen in public again? Despite the rather scant reassurances from the royal family, in Great Britain (and beyond) there are questions about the health of the Princess of Wales. Trying to shed some light is someone who knows Kate well: her uncle Gary Goldsmith, brother of her mother Carole, who these days is a contestant in the house of Celebrity Big Brother, the British version of the VIP Big Brother. Kate Middleton, the first photo after 3 months of absence: where it was taken (and why for many it is a strategy) What he said It happened, in the middle of an episode, that another contestant - Turkish model Ekin-Su Culculoglu, winner of Love Island 2022 - asked him outright where his niece Kate is. "So, since she doesn't want us to talk about it, the last thing I'll do is...", Goldsmith began with some hesitation, so much so that the interlocutor immediately understands that the topic should not be touched. "Can't we talk about it?". And he replied: "There's a sort of etiquette code. If an announcement comes, I'll give you an opinion." "I hope she's okay," Ekin-Su Culculoglu replied, finding some reassurance in Goldsmith's words. "I talked to her mother, my sister, she's receiving the best care in the world. She will come back, I'm sure she will," he added, recalling the official statement. The lookalike Since the operation on January 18, the Princess of Wales continues not to be seen in public and, as a royal source reported to the Sun "she has not fully recovered yet, she is not at 100%". If this was partly predictable, since details about the health of the princess were never provided except for those of a generic "abdominal operation", what would worry the subjects is Kate's mental state: "She's sad, not at her best and only the three children can lift her spirits". Not even the stolen photo, published by the American site Tmz, in which Kate appears in a car with her mother near Windsor, has quelled the most disparate theories about Kate's condition. According to some, the woman photographed with mother Carole in the car a few days ago would not be the real Kate, but a lookalike. Speculations that Prince William did not appreciate, but his spokesman decreed: "She is working, she takes care of that and not of social media".
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