Italian Newborn with Severe Heart Malformation Treated in Rome's Bambino Gesù Hospital

Italian Newborn with Severe Heart Malformation Treated in Rome's Bambino Gesù Hospital
3 Minutes of Reading
Wednesday 24 April 2024, 16:35 - Last updated: 18:23
An Italian citizenship newborn, born a few days ago in the United Kingdom and suffering from a severe heart malformation, has been taken into care by the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital in Rome. This was communicated by the Presidency of the Council, explaining that the hospital "has made itself available to provide the necessary care, according to the will of the family." The little one landed with a C130 flight of the Italian Air Force at Ciampino at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, April 23. "Both my wife and I have hearts overflowing with joy for what is happening," said the baby's father. Now the little one is being treated at the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital, and his family has entrusted some words to the pro-life lawyer Simone Pillon, who followed the case. "Now we hope that the entire medical process goes for the best - the father adds - and that we can soon reach the healing of our child." "We heartily thank the President of the Council Giorgia Meloni - says the man, Italian from Treviso, but who has been working in the UK for years - who actively worked to make possible the transfer of our son, Undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano, and the officials of the Presidency of the Council including in particular the advisers Nicola Guerzoni and Francesco Farri who provided their indispensable contribution. A special thanks goes to the primary professors Galletti and Di Chiara and the staff of the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital who decided to take our child to heart and who will now follow him in the surgical and care path. A big thank you also to the diplomatic adviser Alessandro Cattaneo, the Italian Embassy, and the Italian consul in London Domenico Bellantone for the discreet and continuous support provided. We also thank the medical staff of the British hospital for having followed our son and for authorizing the transfer without obstacles. We thank the Italian Air Force and in particular the Flight Office and the command of the 46th Air Brigade for making the transfer possible. Finally, we thank the lawyer Simone Pillon for the legal and human support he has provided us from the beginning of the case and the volunteers of the family protection associations for the help." The Bambino Gesù: "Surgery to Increase Survival Chances" The young patient "was urgently admitted to the Operative Unit of Anesthesia and Cardio-surgical Resuscitation." The doctors of the Bambino Gesù, under the coordination of the Clinical Area of Fetal, Neonatal, and Cardiological Sciences, "having carried out the necessary diagnostic investigations, have evaluated to perform a first combined intervention of interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery, to increase the chances of survival of the child and improve his quality of life." This was communicated by the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital in a note. The patient arrived last night at around 7:30 pm at the emergency room of the pediatric hospital, transferred from the United Kingdom through an Italian Air Force flight equipped for health emergencies. "At the request of the family, in agreement with the Italian institutions, the Bambino Gesù made itself available to provide the necessary care to the newborn, suffering from a severe heart malformation, in continuity with the health care received so far at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children," the note concludes.
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