Installation of Surveillance Cameras for Rome's New Green Zone

Installation of Surveillance Cameras for Rome's New Green Zone
2 Minutes of Reading
Thursday 9 May 2024, 18:23 - Last updated: 20:48
All cameras for the new Green Zone Limited Traffic Area of Rome have been installed. From the Capitol, it is reported that the video surveillance points will be active by the end of the year. In total, there are 51, distributed around the perimeter of the Capital. Rome, nightmare lives near B&Bs: 'Held hostage by strangers among sleepless nights and fear'. The measure affects about 30,000 motor vehicles and 300,000 daily transits of people entering and leaving the city from the suburbs. On social media, photos with the new cameras are circulating. Citizens have launched a petition against the LTZ and have gathered in a Facebook group to organize protest events. They want to ask for a suspension of the act by also promoting an appeal to the Regional Administrative Court. The complete list includes: Via Aurelia, corner Circonvallazione Aurelia; Via Madonna del Riposo, corner Piazza di Villa Carpegna; Via Giuseppe Tornielli, corner Via Isacco Newton; Vicolo di Papa Leone, corner Via Alberese; Via Cristoforo Colombo, corner Via Laurentina; and many others detailed in the text. A map is also provided.
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