Hyperactive Child Returns to School After Suspension Overturned

Hyperactive Child Returns to School After Suspension Overturned
2 Minutes of Reading
Thursday 7 March 2024, 09:33 - Last updated: 8 March, 12:41
The six-year-old hyperactive child who had been suspended for 21 days has returned to school, a measure that was overturned by the Administrative Regional Court with a decree that the Institute, however, had not complied with. Ladispoli, hyperactive child suspended from school. The parents: "The Administrative Regional Court sided with us but the principal won't let him in." The hyperactive child returns to school. In fact, the child, suspended from February 28 to March 21, after the decision of the Administrative Regional Court had shown up at school, a comprehensive institute in Ladispoli, on March 1 but was not allowed in. Then the parents appealed to Minister Valditara who will send inspectors today. Before entering the school, the child said to his father: "Why didn't they let me in the other day?"
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