Gianluca Vacchi Denies Tax Evasion Allegations

Gianluca Vacchi Denies Tax Evasion Allegations
2 Minutes of Reading
Monday 11 March 2024, 20:54
Gianluca Vacchi does not consider himself a tax evader. The influencer and entrepreneur, commenting on the news about him that came out in the last few days, declared on 'Pomeriggio Cinque': 'The only thing I care to clarify is that the other day when I saw in the newspapers "Vacchi evader" I had to smile, I believe that without my name the news would have had a different emphasis. I think this is a bit of an instrumentalization but it's okay, when you're a public figure you have to understand that there are pros and cons to being one. As long as the truth is respected.' Gianluca Vacchi, Luis Sal, and other evading influencers: 11 million undeclared. The creator: 'I have always paid everything'. 2 gamers are also targeted. What Gianluca Vacchi said: At the show hosted by Myrta Merlino, Vacchi also declared: 'So, that I am defined as an evader is peculiar because if you consider the taxes that directly or indirectly I have paid in the last 10 years are more than 400 million euros.'
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