Fire in Mezzocammino, Rome: Flames from a Garage

Fire in Mezzocammino, Rome: Flames from a Garage
2 Minutes of Reading
Sunday 31 December 2023, 10:21 - Last updated: 19:35

A fire broke out in the Mezzocammino area, a neighborhood south of Rome. The flames erupted in a garage at Largo Jacovitti, near Viale Gianluigi Bonelli. The fire appears to have involved a box in which various waste materials, including residual materials, paints, and plastics, were thrown. The Fire Brigade, the Local Police of the IX Eur Group, and the State Police intervened on the spot. The fire, initially considered less severe, required the use of special vehicles such as the foam wagon and additional resources from the Fire Brigade. Following the fire, part of the ceiling of the garage/warehouse collapsed. Approximately 40 family units were evacuated as a precaution due to the dense smoke. During the extinguishing operations, there were explosions due to the overheating of some gas cylinders abandoned in the premises. The total number of people evacuated amounts to 120.

Fire in Mezzocammino

After the intervention, the Fire Brigade issued a statement in which they explained the details of the intervention: 'The operating room of the Rome command today sent four fire teams plus two tank trucks, the foam wagon, the self-protectors wagon, the duty officer and the provincial shift leader to Largo Benito Jacovitti for the fire of a garage under a four-story building. Several cars were parked inside, in addition to various types of material. The fire brigade personnel evacuated the entire building for safety as the fire had generalised. In addition to water, foam is being used for extinguishing, in order to prevent it from spreading to the upper floors. The support of the regional direction VVF Lazio was requested for additional water supplies and a Local Crisis Unit (UCL) was sent for the management of the evacuated families. Currently, there are no reports of injuries. On the spot are 118 and the law enforcement and police of Rome capital'.
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