Feminist Demands for a Sustainable and Equitable Future: Global Initiatives and Challenges

Feminist Demands for a Sustainable and Equitable Future: Global Initiatives and Challenges
by Franca Giansoldati
3 Minutes of Reading
Wednesday 8 May 2024, 20:15 - Last updated: 9 May, 15:34
The program is decidedly challenging. Almost a dream. Aiming by 20230 to eradicate the asymmetry between women and men worldwide, eliminate inequalities at work, crumble prejudices, and extinguish the patriarchal model that is at the root of gender-based violence. It is an articulated and robust manifesto (entitled "Feminist Questions to Build a Future of Peace, Sustainable and Fair") that was officially delivered yesterday morning to Minister Eugenia Roccella by the W7 Summit, the global women's movement that since 2018 has been tasked with bringing gender equality issues into the G7. The manifesto will in turn be handed over to Prime Minister Meloni, given that since last December, Italy has taken the lead of this body. MATERA Roccella then announced that from October 4 to 6, the city of Matera will host a further table with the Ministers of Equal Opportunities from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Canada, France. The list of topics to be addressed is long: economic justice, financial empowerment, gender violence, climate justice, peace and security, and summarizes the conclusions of six months of work by activists and feminists from 42 countries. "In the G7 of Equal Opportunities, we want to focus especially on violence and empowerment, themes closely related and very current also for what is happening," Roccella recalled. A reading key that makes it clear what happened in Ukraine with rapes used by Russians as a weapon of war and even on October 7, "the mass femicide" by Hamas against Israeli women. Similar things are happening in Iran and several other countries where "control over women's bodies is the crucial knot of power." In the face of so many atrocities, it is a common opinion that an apolitical judgment figure should be adopted. ISRAEL, the historic Tamar Herzig: "Why do Italian feminists continue to ignore the women raped on October 7?" "This would mean not being conditioned by geopolitical evaluations, partisan or ideological affiliations to find a common language of sisterhood whoever the victim, her ethnicity, her religion, the government of her country," the minister added. Among the priorities, there was also highlighted the need to pressure for an equitable representation of women at all decision-making levels in public and private political and economic bodies, national, regional, and global by 2030 and promote participation by setting gender objectives with national action plans. Naturally, this will entail allocating adequate resources to create "forward-looking, inclusive and innovative economic models that work for women." Similarly, it will be necessary to "include the gender nexus in all initiatives focused on the environment." Yifat Bitton: "I will defend in court the Israeli women violated on October 7, systematic rape because they are women and Jewish." Welcoming the Italian and foreign women's organizations was Mayor Roberto Gualtieri. In his opinion, the role of the W7 is fundamental to reflect on how to improve things. "The challenge is of enormous entity since no country, to date, has yet achieved gender parity even if it is a matter that concerns not so much women but society as a whole, with obvious benefits for everyone." He recognized that women are hindered in politics, in the economy, in parliaments, in the industry. There is a lot of asymmetry. "Nothing that a man does cannot be done by a woman." Councilor Monica Lucarelli added that everywhere "poverty has a female face. Women have fewer opportunities both in developed and less developed countries." In Italy, for example, one in two women does not work. The unemployed are more than men and earn less. Lella Golfo, president of the Bellisario Foundation and co-signatory of the Golfo-Mosca law, recalled that from the W7 also starts "a universal message for all the women of the world starting from an equal representation in all positions and in the neuralgic decision-making centers." Hila and Naama, miraculously survived on October 7, travel Europe and ask young people: counter antisemitism.
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