Fatal Collision: Phone Thief Dies on Train Tracks

Fatal Collision: Phone Thief Dies on Train Tracks
2 Minutes of Reading
Thursday 2 May 2024, 12:29 - Last updated: 12:30
First the theft of a phone, then the race to reach a "safe" place which, however, proved fatal for him. The young man, likely of foreign nationality, who died yesterday on the railway tracks at the height of Ponte Casilino, hit by a train, probably didn't even realize the convoy was approaching. The impact was lethal and so strong that fingerprinting by the forensic police was necessary for his identification. Examinations that the officers are conducting in these hours. The dynamics of the accident were clarified by the security cameras focused on the tracks, examined by the Railway Police. Rome, a man found dead on the track exiting Termini. It was around 10 a.m. yesterday, May 1st, when the boy stole a cellphone from a woman. She began to scream and ask for help, and the thief, to escape to a place where he could not be traced, climbed over one of the gates leading to the railway tracks of the Sant'Elena station. He thus found himself on the bundle of tracks leading into the station, not realizing that one of the trains - specifically the one headed to Rome, departing from Velletri at 10:20 - was coming in. The impact was fatal for him. Police officers intervened at the scene to conduct investigations, and the 300 passengers on the train were transferred to another convoy. Meanwhile, train circulation was interrupted for the time necessary for the investigations.
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