Farmers Seek Papal Blessing in Their Struggle: Tractors and a Cow Arrive at St. Peter's

Farmers Seek Papal Blessing in Their Struggle: Tractors and a Cow Arrive at St. Peter's
2 Minutes of Reading
Sunday 18 February 2024, 12:18

After the animal farm set up on Via della Conciliazione a few months ago, on the day of Saint Anthony Abbot and blessed by Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, tractors and a cow arrived at St. Peter's this morning, seeking a papal blessing in support of their struggle. The Vatican has always shown itself very close to the agricultural world and this time too, at the Angelus, Pope Francis did not fail to show his appreciation with a warm greeting.

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The farmers explained that 'with this blessing we can find the strength to win the match'. The tractor protest organizations added: 'With great surprise today we received an email and a call from the Pope's secretariat containing the go-ahead to enter and attend the Angelus in St. Peter's Square!'. In the square there was also the cow Ercolina 2, surrounded by numerous pilgrims. Beforehand, she had traveled along Via della Conciliazione escorted by the farmers and the police officers until she reached the garrison in the square.

The farmers donated to the Pope some flour, 'symbol of our work, of bread and of the Bread of Christ', the image of a Christ found in a field while a farmer was plowing and a bell, used by farmers to call animals but also 'symbol of pilgrimage', the farmers explain in the Vatican.

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