Falling in Love Can Make You Lose Weight, Study Suggests

Falling in Love Can Make You Lose Weight, Study Suggests
2 Minutes of Reading
Tuesday 13 February 2024, 21:28 - Last updated: 14 February, 12:51

Does falling in love make you lose weight? It seems so. This is the belief of nutritionist and TV personality Emma Balsimelli, based on a study conducted by the Harvard Medical School in collaboration with the Endocrine Society of San Diego. "It is known that people, when they fall in love, tend to eat less and therefore lose some weight," explains the nutritionist. Researchers believe that this phenomenon is due to the release of a hormone, oxytocin, during the falling in love phase, which inhibits appetite.

The study was conducted on 25 male subjects (12 obese and 13 normal weight) who were given oxytocin in the morning and then were served double portions of food during meals. All study participants, obese or not, ate less and spontaneously avoided foods high in fat and calories. The hope of the researchers, therefore, is to be able to use oxytocin in the future for the treatment of obesity. "In the meantime, if you want to lose some weight, try falling in love! And what better time for a romantic dinner and a bit of aphrodisiac than Valentine's Day? Invite your sweetheart and I'll tell you what to cook. Here is a list of hot foods suitable for the occasion".

Valentine's Day, the ingredients for a hot dinner (and after dinner)

Chili Pepper - When you think of "aphrodisiac food", you immediately think of chili pepper. A spice loved all over our peninsula, it can be used in a multitude of recipes, from first courses to second courses and even desserts.

Chocolate - Considered for a long time one of the aphrodisiac foods par excellence, it contains theobromine and phenylethylamine, two substances that give it antidepressant and euphoric properties.

Seafood - The recipes on how to enjoy them are endless; it is advisable, however, to eat them cooked rather than raw, to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Cinnamon - A very appreciated and versatile spice (it is used in soups, sauces, but especially in desserts). Try to garnish whipped cream with it, as was often done in the past.

Almonds - The culinary uses of the fruits of the almond tree are really many, from sweet to savory dishes; famous are the Tuscan cantucci, marzipan and blancmange. There are even drinks based on this fruit, including the well-known almond milk.

Avocado - Exotic fruit that is often added to salads, but is also the ingredient of soups and desserts. You can also use it to accompany cheeses.

"And now everyone to the stoves, have fun as you like in combining these elements, but remember that the reigning ingredient in this special evening will always be love!".

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