Denzel Dumfries Apologizes for Controversial Banner During Inter's Title Celebration

Denzel Dumfries Apologizes for Controversial Banner During Inter's Title Celebration
2 Minutes of Reading
Monday 29 April 2024, 19:00

Denzel Dumfries apologizes for the banner raised during Inter's scudetto celebration. As the open-top bus toured the streets of Milan, the Dutch winger had taken a banner passed to him by the fans. On it was depicted him holding Theo Hernandez on a leash. The images went viral on the web, sparking reactions from fans of both teams.

Today, however, Dumfries has decided to apologize: "During the parade, I held up a banner that showed an inappropriate image. I am a player who loves rivalry in football, it's a crucial part of every game. I realize that holding up the banner was a lapse in judgment on my part and absolutely not smart. Let's now focus on what has been the most incredible season for Inter".

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