David Parenzo Faces Protest at La Sapienza University

David Parenzo Faces Protest at La Sapienza University
2 Minutes of Reading
Friday 8 March 2024, 19:57 - Last updated: 19:59
David Parenzo was contested at La Sapienza University in Rome. The journalist was there for a conference organized by the right-wing student movement Azione Universitaria. The journalist reports on his Instagram profile: "There was this conference at the university, organized by these guys from Azione Universitaria. A group prevents us from speaking, shouting 'Free Palestine'. Protest of young people from social centers who would not want me to speak. 'A Zionist cannot speak, Parenzo fascist', they say", the journalist states in a video showing the blows given outside the classroom on the walls. "We are locked inside a classroom and cannot get out. Long live democracy", he writes in the post. In the video, some young people are seen persistently beating on the glass creating a loud noise. "At one point they also threw trash on the ground - Parenzo continues - they pulled out a Palestinian flag, shouting 'Parenzo fascist'. They do not want me to speak, their goal is for me to leave the university. I received this invitation, it's about gender equality". The video then shows a crowd at the door: "There is still the police - says the journalist - defending our right to speak".
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