Controversies and Divisions within the Church: Prayers for Pope Francis' Departure

Controversies and Divisions within the Church: Prayers for Pope Francis' Departure
by Franca Giansoldati
3 Minutes of Reading
Thursday 29 February 2024, 14:17 - Last updated: 2 March, 11:31
The unusual, bizarre, and disturbing news perhaps did not surprise Pope Francis at Santa Marta too much, given that for some time now he has been asking the faithful, at the end of a meeting, to pray for him, immediately adding: "but not against me, mind you?". A phrase that has been heard dozens and dozens of times in the Vatican, always causing a certain amusement among his guests because it seemed like a joke. That the Church is polarized like never before is clear to everyone, just look at what is happening in Germany, however, what is now blatantly emerging is the presence of priests who publicly admit to praying for the swift departure of the current Pope. The most striking case erupted in the diocese of Toledo, in Spain where in a zoom meeting of priests and seminarians, a priest admitted to reciting daily prayers with a specific intention not exactly benevolent towards Bergoglio. "I pray a lot for him, so that he can go to heaven soon". The parish priest explained the reasons for his action, referring to the divisions that have originated in the theological field in ten years, the disorientation of the faithful, the chaotic situation of the Church. Another stance came from another Spanish religious. He too recites rosaries against him every morning. And these are not isolated cases. Don Ramon Guidetti, a priest excommunicated for offending Pope Francis: "He is a usurper". What happened Naturally, the diocese of Toledo immediately distanced itself by issuing a very harsh statement. The archbishop expressed the "deep rejection of any manifestation of disaffection for the person and ministry of the Holy Father". The two priests were ordered to apologize for their statements. "The Archdiocese of Toledo is not responsible for the statements released on that Youtube channel, which does not represent in any way the line of communication of this particular Church. We reiterate and ratify the calls for effective and affectionate communion with the successor of Peter". The two priests who pray against may incur further sanctions as they have shown a "conduct unworthy of their status". The biographer of Ratzinger: "The death of Benedict XVI acted as a stopper, now Francis will sweep away his legacy" Similar episodes are not confined only to Spain: reports reveal priests or bishops violently anti-Bergoglian elsewhere, to the point of invoking God's help to bring another Pope. Not long ago in Livorno a priest was excommunicated by the bishop for saying that Francis "is a usurper" and "a Masonic Jesuit". Monsignor Simone Giusti, the local bishop, did not hesitate to expel him. The incident occurred last December 31, the day on which the first anniversary of the death of Benedict XIV was remembered. Don Ramon Guidetti, the diocese explained, "publicly committed an act of a schismatic nature, refusing submission to the Supreme Pontiff and communion with the members of the Church subject to him". Another sensational case concerns Don Alessandro Minutella, now relegated to the lay state for the same reason. He has repeatedly attacked Pope Francis with particularly heavy epithets, hoping for his earthly demise. However, Minutella still tours Italy preaching. Often bishops prohibit him from using parish spaces and ask the faithful to boycott his meetings which, however, always fill up. Pope Francis again affected by flu, but continues to make plans. How is he really? Some years ago, the bishop of Bolzano, Ivo Muser, described in an alarming way the increasingly deep divisions in the Church. "The current polarization, which is fueled by different sides, in my opinion, is a sin against unity". In an interview with the diocesan weekly Katholisches Sonntagsblatt Muser added that "it is very worrying if there are bishops who jeopardize this unity, asking for the Pope's resignation". "The struggle for the right path has always been legitimate, but that certain groups and even bishops do not have a clear understanding of who the Pope is and what the service of Peter means. Pope Francis is today's Peter, as were John Paul II and Benedict XVI. The schisms have also always been a consequence of polarizing and aggressive language". Pope Francis, Archbishop Viganò speaks out again and calls him a liar