Codeway Expo: A Leading Event for International Cooperation

Codeway Expo: A Leading Event for International Cooperation
3 Minutes of Reading
Monday 13 May 2024, 18:46
Codeway Expo, the flagship event for international cooperation, will open on Wednesday, May 15, at Fiera Roma, organized by Fiera Roma and Internationalia. The event, made possible with the support of the Rome Chamber of Commerce and the Lazio Region, under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), and the National Research Council (CNR) and in collaboration with UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services), ICE/ITA (Agency for the Promotion Abroad and Internationalization of Italian Companies) and EEN (Enterprise Europe Network), will see the participation of key figures in the field of cooperation and sustainable development. These presences make Codeway Expo a platform for dialogue between the public and private sectors, through which companies will have the opportunity to explore and understand how to expand their role in contributing to global development goals, interacting directly with major players in international and multilateral cooperation. Before the start of the event, at 9:30, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Edmondo Cirielli, will visit the stands to greet the operators ready to kick off the event. The event will be inaugurated at 10:00 with greetings from Lorenzo Tagliavanti, President of the Rome Chamber of Commerce, followed by the official opening by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Edmondo Cirielli. The proceedings will continue with Roberta Angelilli, Vice President of the Lazio Region, Marco Rago, Legal Advisor to Minister Tajani for economic diplomacy and development, and Marco Riccardo Rusconi, Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. "There is an important component of the architecture of Italian Cooperation, - presents the appointment the AICS Director Marco Riccardo Rusconi - as designed by Law 125, which has not yet been fully valued and which has largely untapped potential, but which is nevertheless fundamental for a real impact action. It is the profit sector, which Codeway Expo aims to promote and mobilize and which the Agency is ready to accompany in the field of cooperation. And this is all the more essential with the Mattei Plan, in which the world of Italian companies, especially medium but also the smaller more innovative ones, cannot fail to be involved." At 10:45, the ribbon cutting will take place, marking the official opening of the fair and kicking off a series of meetings and presentations focused on procurement dynamics within the United Nations system and in Multilateral Development Banks. Anne-Claire Howard, Director of the Procurement Group at UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services), and Massimo Dal Checco, President of Confindustria Assafrica & Mediterraneo will illustrate the sustainable procurements of the United Nations, making a point on how to unleash the private sector's potential in promoting development. Starting from 11:00, it will be time for the "Procurement's Pitch", an exclusive forum realized and supported by ICE/ITA and UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services), where the criteria and procedures to become suppliers of the United Nations ecosystem will be presented. Participants include Atsushi Isoyama (United Nations Industrial Development Organization, UNIDO), Gulgun Sahin (United Nations Development Programme, UNDP), Silvia Uneddu (United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF). The morning will continue with interventions from representatives of prestigious international institutions such as UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services), UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), WFP (World Food Programme), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), IOM (International Organization for Migration). The morning session will close at 12:15, moderated by Lorenzo Galanti, Director General of the Agency for Foreign Trade (ICE), with the participation of experts from Multilateral Banks. The panel will explore the new procurement frameworks and discuss whether they represent a real turning point for the sector. This will be a unique opportunity for companies to better understand procurement policies and strategically position themselves in the global cooperation for development market.
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