Christmas Game Night Doubts Resolved by Calling the Game Inventor

Christmas Game Night Doubts Resolved by Calling the Game Inventor
2 Minutes of Reading
Thursday 28 December 2023, 23:07 - Last updated: 23:08
What to do when, during a board game night with friends during Christmas, you have a doubt about the rules to follow? The answer seemed quite obvious to a group of boys from Naples, who thought of calling the game inventor directly to dispel any uncertainty. The call was recorded with a smartphone and posted on TikTok in a video that soon went viral. The rules of Sinco: 'Hello, ma'am, I'm looking for Emilio Salvatore and I'm a buyer of his game, Sinco,' says a boy who speaks for the whole group. On the other end, the wife of the inventor of the popular game of Neapolitan origin, a synthesis of Bingo and tombola, responds. 'Are you playing? Then on the box you have the picture of my family,' the woman replies. After an awkward exchange of greetings - none of the attendees believed they would really get an answer - the boy asks what they care about most: 'We have a terrible doubt, if one does Sinco and then, at the same time, also does corner, what happens?' The woman, wife of Emilio Salvatore, dispels the doubt: 'Then you will take all things' (then you must collect both winnings). The video uploaded on the night of St. Stephen's Day quickly went viral on TikTok, where users appreciated the audacity of the group of friends not without raising some perplexity: 'Where did you find the number?' asks someone. Anyone who owns a box of Sinco, will be able to verify that this is present on the packaging in which the family of Mr. Salvatore appears (this year in a renewed version after 40 years from its creation).
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